Annual Award Winners
Every year ISSTD members have the opportunity to nominate individuals, groups and organizations who have contributed significantly to the field of complex trauma and dissociation for an ISSTD Annual Award. Below please find the listing of ISSTD Award Winners for each year. For descriptions of each award please visit this page.
Lifetime Achievement Award
Christine C. Forner
Cornelia B Wilbur Award
None Awarded
David Caul Award
Sherain Harricharan for “I am Afraid You Will See the Stain on My Soul’: Direct Gaze Neural Processing in Individuals with PTSD After Moral Injury Recall”
Juliann B. Purcell for “Treatment of Dissociative Identity Disorder: Leveraging Neurobiology to Optimize Success
Distinguished Achievement Award
Elizabeth Howell
Frank W Putnam Award
Jennifer Gomez for “The Cultural Betrayal of Black Women & Girls: A Black Feminist Approach to Healing from Sexual Abuse”
Kevin Connors & Lynette Danylchuk for “Treating Complex Trauma and Dissociation”
Media Award – Audio Visual
Dylan and Holly Crumpler for “Petals of a Rose”
Media Award – Written
Paul Dell for Chapter 14 in Dorahy, Gold & O’Neil, eds, “Dissociation and the Dissociative Disorders (2nd ed.) – Past, Present, Future”
Pierre Janet Writing Award
Robert Muller, Thor Paulson, Benjamin Perrin and Robert Maunder for “Toward a Trauma-Informed Approach to Evidence Law”
President’s Award of Distinction
D. Michael Coy
Jennifer Freyd
Kate McMaugh
Sandor Ferenczi Award
Arnold Rachman for “Psychoanalysis and Society’s Neglect of the Sexual Abuse of Children, Youth and Adults: Re-addressing Freud’s Original Theory of Sexual Abuse and Trauma”
Staff Spotlight Award
Alexis Arbuthnott
Rick Hohfeler
Rachel Sage
Willa Wertheimer
Therese O Clemens Advocacy Award
No Laughing Matter
Lifetime Achievement Award
Martin J. Dorahy
Cornelia B Wilbur Award
Frank Corrigan
David Caul Award
Andrew Glimoor
Frank W Putnam Award
Bethany Brand, Francesca Shiavone, Hugo J. Scheilke, and Ruth Lanius
Media Award – Audio Visual
Camille Bianchi for “The Nurse” podcast
Media Award – Written
None Awarded
Morton Prince Award for Scientific Achievement
None Awarded
Outstanding Student Award
Rebecca Moran
Shae Nester
Distinguished Achievement Award
Briana Snyder
Tally Tripp
Pierre Janet Writing Award
Heather Hall
President’s Award of Distinction
Heather Hall
Jill Hosey
Benjamin Israel and Jonathan Cleveland
Sandor Ferenczi Award
Johanna Dobrich
Staff Spotlight Award
Cynthia Closs
Kate McMaugh
Therese O Clemens Advocacy Award
Blue Knot Foundation
Rahi Foundation
Lifetime Achievement Award
Bethany Brand
Steve Gold
Frances Waters
Cornelia B Wilbur Award
D. Michael Coy
Jennifer Madere
David Caul Award
None Awarded
Distinguished Achievement Award
Rosita Cortizo
Heather Hall
Naomi Halpern
Jill Hosey
Peter Maves
Frank W Putnam Award
Valerie Sinason and Ashley Conway
Martin Dorahy
Media Award – Audio Visual
Josh Robertson for “Unmasking Monsters”
Media Award – Written
Emily Christensen for “Me, Not Me, and We”
Lowen Clarke for “Missing Persons Bureau”
Morton Prince Award for Scientific Achievement
Negar Fani
Pierre Janet Writing Award
None Awarded
President’s Award of Distinction
Su Baker
Rosalie Hyde
Holly Maddy
Peter Maves
Rebeca Gonzalez Sherman
Lauren Lebois
Milissa Kaufman
Sandor Ferenczi Award
None Awarded
Student Award
Katherine Reuben
Therese O Clemens Advocacy Award
Nick Bryant
Richard P Kluft Award for Journal of Trauma & Dissociation Best Article, sponsored by Routledge
Yara Mekawi, Sierra Carter, Brittney Brown, Ana Martinez de Andino, Negar Fani, Vasiliki Michopoulos & Abigail Powers (2021) Interpersonal Trauma and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder among Black Women: Does Racial Discrimination Matter?, Journal of Trauma & Dissociation, 22:2
Lifetime Achievement Award
Sheldon Itzkowitz
Andreas Laddis
Mid-Career Achievement Award
D Michael Coy
Christine Forner
Simone Reinders
Cornelia B Wilbur Award
Sherry Winternitz
David Caul Award
Lora Dimitrova
Distinguished Achievement Award
Bethany Bjur
Mary Pat Hanlin
Christa Kruger
Frank W Putnam Award
Valerie Sinason
Media Award – Audio Visual
David Becker
Michelle Esrick
Media Award – Written
None awarded
Morton Prince Award for Scientific Achievement
Mary-Anne Kate
Pierre Janet Writing Award
Justin Baker
Atillia Gonenx
Elizabeth Grinspoon
Staci Gruber
Milissa Kaufman
Ashley Lambros
Lauren Lebois
Meiling Li
Hesheng Liu
Jianun Ren
Kerry Ressler
Danhong Wang
Sherry Winternitz
Jonathan Wolff
President’s Award of Distinction
D. Michael Coy
Lynette Danylchuk
Martin Dorahy
Christine Forner
Marilyn Korzekwa
Rochelle Sharpe Lohrashbe
Jennifer Madere
Gary Peterson
Peter Maves
Alison Miller
Emily Christensen
Vedat Sar
Sandor Ferenczi Award
Elizabeth Howell
Sheldon Itzkowitz
Student Award
None Awarded
Therese O Clemens Advocacy Award
None awarded
Richard P Kluft Award for Journal of Trauma & Dissociation Best Article, sponsored by Routledge
Brianna C. Delker, Rowan Salton & Kate C. McLean (2020) Giving Voice to Silence: Empowerment and Disempowerment in the Developmental Shift from Trauma ‘Victim’ to ‘Survivor-Advocate’, Journal of Trauma & Dissociation, 21:2
Lifetime Achievement Award
Su Baker
John O’Neil
Mid-Career Achievement Award
Martin Dorahy
Cornelia B Wilbur Award
Steven Gold
Agnieszka Widera-Wysoczańska
David Caul Award
None awarded
Distinguished Achievement Award
Su Baker
Joan Turkus
Frank W Putnam Award
None awarded
Media Award – Audio Visual
Emma Sunshaw for System Speak Podcast
Media Award – Written
Gabriel JX Dance
Michael H Keller
Peter Fox
Morton Prince Award for Scientific Achievement
Lauren Lebois
Pierre Janet Writing Award
A.A.T. Simone Reinders
President’s Award of Distinction
Diane Clare
Courtenay Crucil
Ricky Kriete
Abigail Percifield
Sandor Ferenczi Award
Felicity de Zulueta
Student Award
None awarded
Therese O Clemens Advocacy Award
Joanne McCarthy
Richard P Kluft Award for Journal of Trauma & Dissociation Best Article, sponsored by Routledge
Paul F. Dell (2019) Reconsidering the autohypnotic model of the dissociative disorders, Journal of Trauma & Dissociation
Lifetime Achievement Award
Lynette S Danylchuk
Ira Brenner
Cornelia B Wilbur Award
Frances Waters
David Caul Award
Mary-Anne Kate
Distinguished Achievement Award
Marilyn Korzekwa
Andreas Laddis
Media Award – Audio Visual
A&E Network & Renegade 83 for the documentary series The Many Sides of Jane
Media Award – Written
Robert T Muller
Patricia Niland
Tracey Shelton
Morton Prince Award for Scientific Achievement
Bethany Brand
Pierre Janet Writing Award
Paul Dell
President’s Award of Distinction
Sandra Baita
Andrea Calleja
Mariana Grana
Karen Hopenwasser
Sandor Ferenczi Award
Daniel S Schecter
Student Award
None Awarded
Therese O Clemens Advocacy Award
Jula Guillard
Richard P Kluft Award for Journal of Trauma & Dissociation Best Article, sponsored by Routledge
Reconsidering the autohypnotic model of the dissociative disorders. Paul F. Dell; 20(1), 48-78
Lifetime Achievement Award
Warwick Middleton
Colin Ross
Joan Turkus
Cornelia B Wilbur Award
Milissa Kaufman
David Caul Award
Tuba Mutluer
Distinguished Achievement Award
None awarded
Media Award – Audio Visual
Despina Noula Diamantopoulos
Media Award – Written
Australian Royal Commission:
Hon Justice Peter McClellan AM
Hon Justice Jennifere Coate
Commissioner Bob Atkinson AO APM
Commissioner Andrew Murray
Commissioner Helen Milroy
Commissioner Robert Fitzgerald AM
Gail Furness SC
Morton Prince Award for Scientific Achievement
Michael Salter
Pierre Janet Writing Award
Daniel P Brown
David S Elliott
President’s Award of Distinction
D Michael Coy
Kate McMaugh
Student Award
Abigail Percifield
Jonathan D Wolff
Therese O Clemens Advocacy Award
Therese O Clemens
Richard P Kluft Award for Journal of Trauma & Dissociation Best Article, sponsored by Routledge
Intergenerational transmission of traumatization: Theoretical framework and implications for prevention. Ariel J. Lang & Maria A. Gartstein; 19(2), 162-175
Lifetime Achievement Award
Richard Chefetz
Elizabeth Howell
Cornelia B Wilbur Award
Ralf Vogt
David Caul Award
None awarded
Distinguished Achievement Award
Martin Dorahy
Warwick Middleton
Janet Migdow
Willa Wertheimer
Media Award – Audio Visual
Elisa Monti for the film, You’ll Say Nothing
Media Award – Written
Donna Hicks
Morton Prince Award for Scientific Achievement
AAT Simone Reinders
Pierre Janet Writing Award
Suzette Boon
Bethany Brand
Sima Chalavi
Nel Draijer
Mechteld Giesen
Ellert Nijenhuis
Kathy Steele
Frank Putnam
AAT Simone Reinders
Onno van der Hart
Eline Vissia
President’s Award of Distinction
Richard Hohfeler
Joan Haliburn
Christa Kruger
Robert Slater
Student Award
None awarded
Richard P Kluft Award for Journal of Trauma & Dissociation Best Article, sponsored by Routledge
Mentalization and Dissociation in the Context of Trauma: Implications for Child Psychopathology.
Karin Ensink PhD, Michael Begin BA, Lina Normandin PhD, Natacha Godbout PhD & Peter Fonagy PhD; 18(1), 11-30.
Lifetime Achievement Award
Jennifer Freyd
Valerie Sinason
Cornelia B Wilbur Award
Colin Ross
David Caul Award
Maria Quinn
Distinguished Achievement Award
Elizabeth Bowman
Brad Foote
Robert Llewellyn-Jones
Media Award – Audio Visual
Mental Health Professionals Network (Australia)
Media Award – Written
Niki Gomez-Perales
Sheldon Itzkowitz
Elizabeth Howell
Na’ama Yehuda
Morton Prince Award for Scientific Achievement
Martin Dorahy
Alfonzo Martinez-Taboas
Pierre Janet Writing Award
Ellert Nijenhuis
President’s Award of Distinction
Philip J Kinsler
Vivian Pender
Willa Wertheimer
Student Award
Jytte van Huijstee
Richard P Kluft Award for Journal of Trauma & Dissociation Best Article, sponsored by Routledge
Shifting the focus: Nonpathologizing approaches to healing from betrayl trauma through an emphasis on relational care.
Gomez JM, Lewis JK, Noll LK, Smidt AM, & Birrell, P; 17(2), 165-185.
Lifetime Achievement Award
A Steven Frankel
Vedat Sar
Cornelia B Wilbur Award
Renee Potgieter-Marks
David Caul Award
Marloes Eidhof
Michelle Downs-Woolley
Distinguished Achievement Award
Joan Turkus
Media Award – Audio Visual
Cathy Kezelman
Media Award – Written
Richard Chefetz
Morton Prince Award for Scientific Achievement
None awarded
Pierre Janet Writing Award
Richard Chefetz
President’s Award of Distinction
Christine Forner
Warwick Middleton
Student Award
Becky Stewart
Aliya Webermann
Richard P Kluft Award for Journal of Trauma & Dissociation Best Article, sponsored by Routledge
Shifting the focus: Nonpathologizing approaches to hChange in heart rate variability after the Adult Attachment Interview in dissociative patients.
Farina B, Speranza A M, Imperatori C, Quintiliani M I, & Marca G D. 2015; 16(2), 170-180
Lifetime Achievement Award
Eli Somer
Cornelia B Wilbur Award
None Awarded
David Caul Award
Aliya Weberman
Sarah Herzog
Brianna Snyder
Distinguished Achievement Award
Joan Golston
Media Award – Audio Visual
None awarded
Media Award – Written
None awarded
Morton Prince Award for Scientific Achievement
None awarded
Pierre Janet Writing Award
Bethany Brand
Martin J Dorahy
Christa Kruger
Roberto Lewis-Fernandez
Alfonso Martinez-Taboas
Warwick Middleton
Vedat Sar
Pam Stavropoulos
President’s Award of Distinction
Bethany Brand
Kevin Connors
Na’ama Yehuda
Student Award
None awarded
Richard P Kluft Award for Journal of Trauma & Dissociation Best Article, sponsored by Routledge
Early Traumatized Inpatients High in Psychoform and Somatoform Dissociation: Characteristics and Treatment Response.
Heir, T, Jepsen E, Langeland W, J Trauma Dissociation. 2014; 15(5):572-587
Lifetime Achievement Award
Frank W Putnam
Cornelia B Wilbur Award
Sandra Wieland
David Caul Award
Johannes Ehrenthal
Selwyn Renard
Distinguished Achievement Award
None awarded
Media Award – Audio Visual
None awarded
Media Award – Written
Richard P Kluft
Jacqueline A Samson
Joyanna Silberg
Martin H Teicher
Morton Prince Award for Scientific Achievement
Warwick Middleton
Pierre Janet Writing Award
None awarded
President’s Award of Distinction
Lynette S Danylchuk
Annual Conference Committee
Student Award
Winja Marie Lutz
Richard P Kluft Award for Journal of Trauma & Dissociation Best Article, sponsored by Routledge
Early Traumatized Inpatients High in Psychoform and Where are we going? An update on assessment, treatment, and neurobiological research in dissociative disorders as we move toward the DSM-5.
Brand BL, Lanius R, Vermetten E, Loewenstein RJ, Spiegel D, J Trauma Dissociation. 2012;13(1):9-31
Lifetime Achievement Award
Richard J Loewenstein
Cornelia B Wilbur Award
Bethany Brand
David Caul Award
E Grace Priest
Emily J Hennrich
Sarah Ahlfs-Dunn
Distinguished Achievement Award
Sandra Baita
Anabel Gonzalez
Media Award – Audio Visual
None awarded
Media Award – Written
Elizabeth Howell
Morton Prince Award for Scientific Achievement
Annemiek van Dijke
Pierre Janet Writing Award
Bethany Brand
Etzel Cardena
Eve Carlson
Constance Dalenberg
Martin Dorahy
Paul Frewen
David Gleaves
Richard J Loewenstein
David Spiegel
President’s Award of Distinction
Serge Goffinet
Manoelle Hopchet
Frances S Waters
Student Award
None Awarded
Lifetime Achievement Award
Paul F Dell
Ellert RS Nijenhuis
Cornelia B Wilbur Award
Kathy Steele
David Caul Award
Jonathan DePierro
Madeleine Karpel
Reese Minshew
Melissa Platt
Distinguished Achievement Award
Lynette Danylchuk
Jennifer Freyd
Andreas Laddis
Tara Williams
Media Award – Audio Visual
First Person Plural for the film A Logical Way of Being – Melanie Goodwin, Kathryn Livingston, Jill Saunders, and Oriel
Media Award – Written
Ruth Lanius
Robert T Muller
Clare Pain
Eric Vermetten
Morton Prince Award for Scientific Achievement
None awarded
Pierre Janet Writing Award
Suzette Boon
Kathy Steele
Onno van Der Hart
President’s Award of Distinction
Sheila Hatcher
Christine Forner
Michael Foust
Jennifer Randall
Student Award
None Awarded
Lifetime Achievement Award
Kathy Steele
Cornelia B Wilbur Award
None awarded
David Caul Award
J Audie Black
Sima Chalavi
Molly Wolf
Distinguished Achievement Award
Joanne Twombly
Media Award – Audio Visual
Media Award – Written
Christine Courtois
Julian Ford
Elizabeth Howell
Morton Prince Award for Scientific Achievement
Vedat Sar
Constance Dalenberg
Pierre Janet Writing Award
Martin Dorahy
Andrew Moskowitz
Ingo Schafer
Daniel Schechter
President’s Award of Distinction
Vedat Sar
Therese Clemens
Student Award
None Awarded
Lifetime Achievement Award
Suzette Boon
Cornelia B Wilbur Award
Joan Turkus
David Caul Award
Shira Bennett
Ryan Matlow
Kai Monde
Distinguished Achievement Award
Liora Somer
Media Award – Audio Visual
Mary Jo Kaplan, Showtime Networks
Media Award – Written
Paul F Dell
Morton Prince Award for Scientific Achievement
Bethany Brand
Pierre Janet Writing Award
John O’Neil
President’s Award of Distinction
Thomas G Carlton
Student Award
None Awarded
Lifetime Achievement Award
None awarded
Cornelia B Wilbur Award
Trine Anstorp
Kirsten Benum
Marianne Jacobson
David Caul Award
Robyn Gobin
Amie Kolos
Michal Lavy
Jocelyn Soffer
Distinguished Achievement Award
None awarded
Media Award – Audio Visual
Wendy Anson
Media Award – Written
None awarded
Morton Prince Award for Scientific Achievement
Brad Foote
Pierre Janet Writing Award
Martin Dorahy
David Spiegel
Eric Vermetten
President’s Award of Distinction
Richard Chefetz
Student Award
None Awarded
Lifetime Achievement Award
None awarded
Cornelia B Wilbur Award
Richard J Loewenstein
Distinguished Achievement Award
Don Beere
David Caul Award
Katharina Kircanski
Robert Cory Fanto
Edward MacPhee
Lynda Thiessen
Katarzyna Wyka
Media Award – Audio Visual
Abby Braun
Media Award – Written
None awarded
Morton Prince Award for Scientific Achievement
Ruth Lanius
Pierre Janet Writing Award
Daniel Schechter
President’s Award of Distinction
Thomas G Tudor
Student Award
Monica Monahan
Lifetime Achievement Award
None awarded
Cornelia B Wilbur Award
Elizabeth Howell
David Caul Award
Brandon Korman
Distinguished Achievement Award
Su Baker
Richard A Chefetz
Chris Comstock
Bob Patin
George Rhoades
Media Award – Audio Visual
Oprah Winfrey
Media Award – Written
Ellert RS Nijenhuis
Chuck Palahniuk
Kathy Steele
Onno van der Hart
Morton Prince Award for Scientific Achievement
Carsen Spitzer
Pierre Janet Writing Award
Paul F Dell
President’s Award of Distinction
Richard A Chefetz
Student Award
Nicole Richardson
Lifetime Achievement Award
Elizabeth S Bowman
Richard P Kluft
Cornelia B Wilbur Award
Marlene Steinberg
David Caul Award
Johan A den Boer
Jaap Haaksma
Jakob Korf
Ellert TS Nijenuis
Anne MJ Paans
Jacqueline Quak
AAT Simone Reinders
Antoon TM Willemsen
Distinguished Achievement Award
George A Fraser
Media Award – Audio Visual
Chuck Palahnuik
Media Award – Written
None awarded
Morton Prince Award for Scientific Achievement
Daphne Simeon
Pierre Janet Writing Award
Giovanni Liotti
Kathryn A Becker-Blease
Kirby Deater-Deckard
Thalia Eley
Jennifer J Freyd
Jim Stevenson
Robert Plomin
President’s Award of Distinction
James A Chu
Student Award
Stacey L Seibel
Cornelia B Wilbur Award
Vedat Sar
Anne Suokas-Cunliffe
David Caul Award
Karen Way
Distinguished Achievement Award
Dennis S Pilon
Media Award – Audio Visual
Marilyn Van Derbur
Media Award – Written
None awarded
Morton Prince Award for Scientific Achievement
Paul F Dell
Pierre Janet Writing Award
Etzel Cardena
David H Gleaves
President’s Award of Distinction
Elizabeth Power
Su Baker
Student Award
None awarded
1985 – 2003
Cornelia B Wilbur Award
Catherine Fine (2003)
Constance Dalenberg (2002)
Edith Baum (2001)
Christine Courtois (2001)
Eli Somer (2000)
James Chu (1999)
Claire Frederick (1998)
Maggie Phillips (1998)
Joyanna Silberg (1997)
Larry Michelson (1996)
William Ray (1996)
Ralph Allison (1995)
Jean Goodwin (1994)
Nancy L Hornstein (1993)
Richard Loewenstein (1992)
James Chu (1991)
Frank Putnam (1990)
Catherine Fine (1989)
Moshe S Torem (1988)
Bennett Braun (1987)
Philip M Coons (1986)
Richard P Kluft (1985)
David Caul Award
Rafaele Huntjens (2003)
Martin Dorahy (2002)
Catherina M Dornbusch (2001)
Ursula Gast (2000)
Gamze Akyuz (1999)
Orhan Dogan (1999)
Vedat Sar (1999)
L Ilhan Yargic (1999)
Hamdi Tutkun (1999)
Bolu Duzce (1999)
Kerry J Lang (1998)
Joel Paris (1998)
Haille Zweig-Frank (1998)
W John Livesly (1998)
Rachel Yehuda (1996)
H Tutkun (1995)
LI Yargic (1995)
Vedat Sar (1995)
L Meyer Williams (1994)
S Boon (1993)
N Draijer (1993)
N Hornstein (1992)
D Savitz (1991)
M Steinberg (1990)
R Riley (1989)
J Meade (1989)
Distinguished Achievement Award
Stephen E Braude (2003)
Elizabeth Bowman (2002)
Richard P Kluft (2002)
John O’Neil (2001)
Christine Comstock (2001)
Su Baker (2000)
Peter Barach (2000)
Kathy Steele (1999)
Frank W Putnam (1998)
Alan W Scheflin, Jr (1998)
D Corydon Hammond (1998)
Daniel Brown (1998)
Michaela Huber (1997)
Jeanie McIntee (1997
Bennett Braun (1996)
John Curtis (1996)
P Barach (1995)
S Marmer (1995)
E Bowman (1995)
N Perry (1995)
M Steinberg (1995
B Carlson (1993)
P Coons (1993)
J Chu (1993)
A Kadish (1993)
C Comstock (1992)
G Fraser (1992)
R Sachs (1992)
C Fine (1992)
G Peterson (1992)
B Cohen (1991)
E Giller (1991)
L Wasnak (1991)
C Wilbur (1987)
Media Award – Audio Visual
Linda Catherine Cutting (1997)
NHK Television (Japan) (1996)
Tom Togashi (1996)
Daisuke Takama (1996)
Media Award – Written
Harvey L Schwartz (2003)
Paul J Fink (2002)
Ulla Froehling (2001)
Cavalcade Productions, Inc (2000)
Christine Comstock (1999)
Lynn S Crook (1999)
Ridgeview Institute (1998)
Richard P Kluft (1998)
Beth Gault (1998)
David Baldwin (1997)
Michael Stanton (1996)
Morton Prince Award for Scientific Achievement
Phillip M Coons (2003)
Daniel Brown (2002)
Alan W Scheflin (2002)
Vedat Sar (2001)
Frank Leavitt (2000)
Etzel Cardena (1999)
Ellert RS Nijenhuis (1998)
Niels Waller (1997)
E Frischholz (1995)
S Boon (1994)
N Drayer (1994)
M Steinberg (1993)
E Carlson (1992)
B Braun (1991)
R Lowenstein (1990)
C Ross (1989)
J Watkins (1988)
P Coons (1987)
R Kluft (1986)
F Putnam (1985)
President’s Award of Distinction
Remy Aquarone (2003)
Clare Pain (2003)
Marcia C Cotton (2002)
Charles Wharton (2001)
Elizabeth Bowman (2000)
James A Chu (2000)
Su Baker (1999)
Carol J Bruce (1999)
John O’Neil (1999)
Chris Costner Sizemore (1998)
Elizabeth Bowman (1997)
Peter Barach (1996)
Moshe Torem (1995)
Onno van der Hart (1995)
Suzette Boon (1995)
Marlene Steinberg (1994)
Lynn Wasnak (1993)
Peter Barach (1993)
Gary Peterson (1993)
Stephen Marmer (1992)
George Faust (1991)
Colin Ross (1990)
Bennett Braun (1989)
Richard Kluft (1988)
Christine Comstock (1987)
David Caul (1986)
George Greaves (1985)
Pierre Janet Writing Award
George A Fraser (2003)
Kelly A Forrest (2002)
Onno van der Hart (2001)
Kathy Steele (2001)
Ellert RS Nijenhuis (2000)
David H Gleaves (1999)
James Chu (1998)
Jennifer Freyd (1997)
Alfonso Martinez-Taboas (1996)
I Hacking (1995)
D Spiegel (1994)
F Putnam (1993)
R Kluft (1992)
O van der Hart (1991)
Student Award
Irit Nachmani (2003)
Steven Ruths (2002)
Selah Richards (2001)